Monday, October 29, 2007

A Year Without Shopping

I mostly get my news from the radio. This story seemed right up the alley of this blog. It's about a family that is on a "consumer fast" this year. They're going to pare back their purchases and get what they do need used. They have two kids, including one that was 9-months-old when they started their fast (which does have a few exceptions, like food and toilet paper).

This is the first part in a series -- apparently the show's host has been interviewing them over the course of this year and we'll find out what they learned from their experiment. It ran this weekend on the pub radio personal finance show Marketplace Money.

One of my biggest questions is how they dealt with the issue of buying gifts. Also, I'm curious if they found some great tricks for buying used. Tomorrow I'm going to post my own tip about how to use the RSS feed on craigslist. That allows you to get updates when something you're searching for has been posted for sale. Which means you don't have to constantly on craigslist searching for those hard to get items.

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