Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Waste not? Buying bulk food...

Even though our two additions are small, it feels like our consumption growth has been BIG since they arrived. Just our utility bills alone… more heating, more laundry, more dishes. So every month I’m going to try to make one new small change towards reducing. This month, in order to cut back on the packaging we have to toss, it will be buying as much in bulk as possible… from the girls’ oatmeal and farina cereal to my cocoa. Nuts, dried fruit, lentils, too. The place I shop even has oil and maple syrup and such in bulk. I may try that and see how it goes while I’m at it, but that seems like it could be messy.

I’d love to collect peoples’ ideas for me to try in my attempts to be lower impact! Suggest away…


Colby said...

Love the blog! Try reducing the amount of junk mail you get by opting out using the startup company

Anonymous said...

Our daughter (2yo) loves to as she says "dig flour" or sugar or whatever from the bulk bins. Of course, it requires help from mom or dad.

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