Monday, October 1, 2007

Baby-parent food: Kabocha-Spinach Soup

I really like to cook so I always imagined I would make my own baby food. While there are twin parents who seem to be able to do it right off the bat, I found getting my girls eating was enough of a challenge. Making their food was something I put on hold for a bit. Now that they're 9 months and happy eaters of lots of different foods, I'm trying to figure out recipes I can cook for THEM and US. Multi-tasking is the name of the game.

This is the first recipe that I tried that has made a meal for all four of us. It's Kabocha Squash-Spinach Soup.

Soup for the girls (left), Soup for the grown-ups (right):

It's long been a favorite of mine and I've served it to lots of company and everyone always loves it. Pair it with salad and bread and wine and done. It's perfect for twin parents: you don't have to peel Kabocha squash since the rind is edible (and tasty) so that's yet another time saver. And the flavor is very rich without any stock, so it's just straight up water and veggies. I just took out a couple ladles full of soup to puree for the girls before adding the salt and pepper. And voila! It even freezes well for them.

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