Saturday, October 13, 2007

Networking aid

I just came across a great site for printing up calling cards or mini-business cards. This isn't exactly a twin issue, but I have found that I often want to exchange coordinates with parents I meet and I rarely have a hand free, not to mention pen and paper handy, to exchange info.

The printing site is called It's based in England. I learned about the site when I was trolling for a great, cheap, quality place to print business cards as I reenter the workforce. I really loved the moo minicard designs (a vivid graphic on one side and simple text on the other), but worried they might not be taken seriously enough. It turns out my husband's boss (coincidentally a mother of twins) has them and he told me they're the ultimate hip symbol in the business world right now. So I got some with a business-like design and then some with a more irreverent design to use as a calling card with friends and people I meet and want to be in touch with. The beauty is you pay $19.99 for 100 and then you can have as many different designs on those 100 cards as you want. The images can be from their team of graphic designers or photos you upload of family or anything else! And while the paper isn't recycled, it's sourced from sustainable forests.

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