Thursday, October 25, 2007

Little tissues for little noses

My little girls have the sniffles. Fortunately they don't seem too uncomfortable, but we end up going through lots of tissues as I try to keep their noses wiped and their germs separate. I know the most eco-friendly alternative is a handkerchief but I find that practically I mix them up and never have them handy and when they have active colds, I don't find it so sanitary. So because with babies most of the tissue goes unused I'm trying to tear a bunch in halves or quarters at the start of the day and put the pieces in a baggie that I can carry around in my pocket. It's not a huge resource savings, but it's something!

And on the subject of colds, not that they've taken the infant cold medicines off the shelves, here's an article from CNN and the Mayo Clinic about how to handle the common cold in infants.

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