Sunday, October 14, 2007

How to post all those photos?

To be honest there aren't a TON of the photos. I'm convinced twin parents take fewer pictures of their kids than singleton parents, just because the ratios aren't in favor of the picture takers. Nonetheless we still have a number of good pics to send around at the end of the month. But I'm now facing the question of how to do that. This is an issue, it appears, of the generation gap.

Our siblings who are all conversant in facebook and PDAs, etc. want us to use a site like flickr so that they can download the photos and put them on their iPods to share. They have no use for the likes of Kodak Gallery where the parents and grandparents want us to post, so they can order prints on-line. Anybody have any ideas for sites that will allow us to make both camps happy?

This doesn't solve that dilemma but I have been toying with the site tabblo. It allows you to create these cute narrated collages (below) and also print postcards and posters from your tabblos:

Tabblo: Bathtime with the Girls

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