Tuesday, October 9, 2007

On-line diaper discount code

I tend to buy my diapers on-line. I tried cloth diapering at first and couldn't swing it, though I admire my twin parent friend who does. So anyone out there expecting twins who is wondering if it's possible: yes it is!

When I switched to disposables I quickly realized that ordering cases of them on-line was way easier than buying them at the store. My usual go to sites are amazon and diapers.com, as I suspect many parents use. I use amazon when I only want diapers since their minimum for free shipping is less. But I find diapers.com has much faster shipping, so if I need them in a hurry I order from there and just buy one other item, like wipes or shampoo to get me above the $50 free shipping minimum. Diapers.com also has a per unit calculator which makes it easy to compare prices.

For anyone who hasn't used diapers.com yet, they're offering $10 off any new customer's first $50 purchase. You enter the code: PARENTING7 to get it. I'm not endorsing the site at all, just hope to pass on the savings since I wasn't eligible.

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