Sunday, January 20, 2008

Time to laugh a little: Sky Maul

I've always noticed the Sky Mall catalogs in the plane seat pockets, but until the last flight we took with the girls, I didn't really read them. Looking at the pictures and flipping the pages completely held the girls' attention, though, so we got a peak at some of the over the top stuff inside. The First Insulated Mug with a Clock Embedded That's Dishwasher Safe? Or the Full Scale Replica Plane Propeller? It almost doesn't need a parody, but...

There is one.

And maybe because we had just studied the original so thoroughly I found it really entertaining. Plus there's some great stuff for parents... the hybrid stroller-lawn mower and the flask inscribed upside with a quote about your kids so you can think of them midgulp.

Hopefully there a few laughs there to chase the winter blahs away.

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