Friday, January 25, 2008

Books and the new twin mom

Part of my push to get into more creative endeavors is a vow to read more. And not about Bunnies and Caterpillars.

So for a few months I've belonged to GoodReads. It's kind of like Facebook, if that site were called Faceliterature. GoodReads is part social networking, part lit crit. It allows me to keep a Netflix-style list of the books I want to read. Especially since it sometimes takes a little while for a book to show up in my library's catalog after I first hear of it. And o GoodReads you get to review it and see what friends are reading too.

Now GETTING to the books is a whole other issue. I came across this site called BookSwim which will let you rent books and will actually ship them to you. It's a little pricey... $14.99 a month to get 2 books at a time and the cost structure goes up from there. If I ever have a friend on bed rest, though, I'm definitely getting them a subscription to this site as a gift. Once the babies are born, it's a different story. I just don't think I have enough time to read to justify that cost.

Speaking of reading, I'm currently in the process of reading Boomsday. I wanted a good laugh and it supplies.

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