Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year, new and improved Blog

Okay, time for my creativity manifesto:

One thing that I’ve been frustrated about since our twins arrived is feeling a real creative void in my life. My mom tries to give me pep talks,: “Raising a child, especially two at once requires lots of creativity.” I do get that. There’s the aha! moment when you figure out just the trick to meet two totally different needs at once. Or when you mentally rewrite your recipes to allow for entertaining two kids at the same time as cooking. And the there’s keeping up with a toddler’s delightfully fresh perspective on the world.

BUT when you have two little ones, especially two going through the same stages together, there are definitely periods that feel assembly-line-o-rama. Diapers. Getting dressed. Eating meals. Getting redressed after messy meals. Getting out the door. Immediately turning back around to get back in the door and change a diaper.

By creativity I don’t mean knitting and crafty things. I just miss the time to work over an idea in my head uninterrupted, the ability to just pick up and go to an event that sounds interesting. The chance to explore worlds other than my own that invariably make me think about what else is possible.

So my resolution is to try little things to get those sparks going even as my thought process is fragmented and my ability to get out of the house to non twins friendly events is limited.

And I'm going to blog about my attempts here – all in the context of mothering and keeping a career puttering along and trying to be good to the earth Sometimes that might be posting a YouTube video that got me inspired. Sometimes it could be a magazine or person I find online who is doing something relevant to my life but a little askew. I recently signed up for Facebook as a way to connect with friends and just be a part of a universe that’s new to me.

And I’d love any ideas others have to carve out and keep that creative space going.

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