Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year: a look back

The New Year almost coincides with my girls’ birthday. So I took a few minutes to look back on the highs and lows of the first year:

The first smiles

Watching my husband be an amazing dad to our girls

Finding great childcare

All the newfound friends in our neighborhood, and the opportunity to connect with strangers who wanted to admire the girls whenever we went out

The first time I saw the girls laugh at and enjoy each other

A newfound and deeper appreciation of family

Searching for childcare

The usual – no sleep, leaving the house with a shirt on inside out, realizing I have way too few photos of their first year because who has time to take photos?

Ordering and paying for lunch at an eat-in restaurant but abandoning it when the girls just wouldn’t stop screaming at the tops of their lungs

Having an ear clogged with wax but not getting it taken care of, because it was useful when holding a wailing infant

When Aurora figured out what “no” meant -- exciting to see her understand, but heartbreaking to witness this loss of innocence

The first time I went to pick up and hug Amalia and she tried to squirm away – independence good, rejection of me sad

Travel -- great to venture out and have a great time, horrible to venture out and be in a different time zone

Sleep training – horrid to sit through the crying, wonderful to finally get the sleep

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