Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

I'm back from a holiday break that included
5 relatives from out of town
4 generations to coordinate
3 rained out day trips
2 cars between us all
and only 1 big disagreement with hubby as a result.
Of course there were countless cute conversation with the now 2 year old twins ("How old are you now?" "Two much old!" "Two years old?" "Two much old!")

Best was when B bowled everyone over by looking at the biography her grandpa got as a holiday gift and correctly identifying the cover photo as "Andrew Jackson." I explained the girls knew his picture because I'll often entertain them with the contents of my wallet when all else fails. "Who else's picture is on money?" I asked. B thought a bit and then said "George Washing-machine"

Speaking of money, since this is a blog about raising multiples on a budget and with a mind to the environment, a recurring theme this month will be whether it actually saves any money to make your own healthy foodstuffs. I go to a lot of trouble to make things like the girls' mac'n'cheese from scratch. At a time when money is tight for almost everyone, I'm curious how much I actually save by doing this.

At least my assumption is that I save money, I've set out to find out if I really do and by how much. Because the last time I walked past those Annie's organic bunnies and cheese they looked awfully cheep compared to the cheese, butter, pasta and milk I was putting in my cart.

First up tomorrow, will be a price comparison of homemade oatmeal blueberry waffles, to the Nutrigrain toaster variety.

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