Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thought for the holidays

So we're all managing holiday chaos, I'm sure. Fortunately things are pretty low drama here, although there was a family moment today while my mom and I were trying to coordinate for a joint party. She told me I was being hard on her, which I know I often am. But I REALLY wasn't this time and she sounded honestly upset. So I called back to ask my dad if everything was OK. Sure enough it wasn't about me at all.

"Ah well," he said. Then he kind of sighed and chuckled. "We're just adjusting to married life."

And they've been married 40 years. Turns out they'd had a disagreement over a shopping list. But my dad's words hit a chord with me. Life is so full of adjustments. Good to never stop being open to them.

Just a thought headed into the heart of the holidays.

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