Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A low cost, low pressure way to keep track of those milestones

With twins the standard baby book records are pretty overwhelming to think about. I would be lucky if I took care of all their needs in the moment, let alone take note of their accomplishments for posterity. As a shower gift we did receive two small wall calendars that came with stickers that you could use to mark firsts. That was a great solution for the first 12 months. I'll actually be able to tell the girls when they first walked if they ever need it for a school project or something.

But, at least from my perspective, it's in the following years when they're talking and first interacting with the social world that those truly "cute" moments occur. Those funny moments that you think you'll never forget but can't even recall a week later.

I happened to stumble on a good solution last year and plan to do it again. At this time of year when all the calendars in the stores are 75-80% off, buy a really compact, cheap daily planner. Keep it by your bedside. That way at the end of the day if there was some funny sentence or situation you can just jot it down in the appropriate day (see above). I've found it a really satisfying way to keep track of those things, without the pressure of a big baby journal or such. And in families with multiples and siblings it's a general "family" record of the year.

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