Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sure enough, making them at home...

...saves money when it comes to wholegrain waffles. The way it shook out, I am paying about $5.89 for the ingredients to make 16 toaster sized waffles. Altogether the final product weighs 24 oz.

At Safeway this week, I could have bought the Eggo Nutrigrain toaster waffles, but they're $3.99 for 10 oz. So that would be over $9.00 for 24 ounces of that product.

$5.89 homemade versus $9.00 storebought.

I was actually surprised by this outcome. I was assuming that from a money standpoint it might be a wash. Money aside I feel strongly about continuing to MAKE the girls their waffles because they're just so much healthier when done from scratch. For one, my version includes stuff like organic blueberries. And exclude additives such as gums and the like.

I'm still skeptical that making my own food will always ring up cheaper, just because the raw materials seem so high these days.

Next up... analysis of Mac'N'Cheese: Homemade v. Store Special. And after that I think I'm going to do a financial breakdown of a bread recipe.

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