Monday, December 10, 2007

Sweater swap

Thought this is a cool program:
Banana Republic and Goodwill Industries are giving customers a chance to ‘share the warmth’ while shopping. Holiday shoppers can trade in their gently-worn sweaters at any Banana Republic store in exchange for a 30 percent discount on a regular-priced sweater between December 6 through 12. Donated sweaters will be sold in Goodwill retail stores across the country, and the proceeds will fund Goodwill job training programs that benefit hundreds of thousands of people each year.
But not sure if sweaters that have made it through a year with twins count as just "gently" worn. Forget the spit-up and snot, there's the pilling from baby carrier wearing, too. I realize I've lost all perspective on cleanliness in outerwear after MY mom sent me back in to change what she called a dirty sweater this weekend. I thought it was perfectly fine. Oh well.

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