Monday, December 17, 2007

Four Ears

We had our first brush with an ear infection this weekend. It was unfolding over the past week, but I was oblivious and didn't realize what was going on until our one daughter running a low fever suddenly spiked a 104.5 temp. We had to go to the emergency room and everything.

The thing was she was so calm and playful and didn't show any typical symptoms of an ear ache. I just gave her Tylenol like the nurse at our doctor's office said and didn't think too much of her 100-101 fever. Probably a mild bug. At the hospital, though, they said she actually had one perforated ear drum that had already begun to heal on its own, but the other ear was still infected.

I feel like there was one take-away lesson for other twin parents here. Apparently it should have been a bit of a clue that our other daughter had NO symptoms or fever at all. If it was a bug the girls probably would have shared it, like they do their saliva all over their toys. Next time one has a low fever for 2 days and the other is perfectly healthy, we're going in to see the doc stat!

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