Tuesday, December 11, 2007

International Moola, or Hannukah Gelt Cookies my way

This isn’t really about staying green and certainly not about staying sane, but we had a Hannukah party this weekend. It was great fun.

The night before the party I stayed up later than I have in a long time because I actually found myself absorbed in a project that I was enjoying for my own sake. Hannukah Gelt (when I was little for a long time I thought the word was Guilt) sugar cookies decorated with currencies of the world. And here we have the Money Picture…

Currencies above include (clockwise from top): Serbia, dinar; Poland, zlwotych; US (and many other countries), dollar; Uzbekistan and Kazakstan, som; European Union (select countries), euro; South Korea and North Korea, won; Thailand, baht; Afghanistan, afghanis; India, Pakistan (and others), rupees.

For any other money anthropologists out there, here’s the website where I got the symbols.

And finally on the subject of Hannukah Gelt: why does the metal wrapped chocolate stuff always taste like wax? And why do I still eat it??

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