Sunday, September 23, 2007

Twinsight #3: WHAT TO BUY USED

I'm a big proponent of getting infant items used. Now on top of the old fashioned resale shops and loaners from friends, craigslist, eBay and freecycle are great resources. It's good for your wallet and the environment. I KNOW I'm not the only twin parent who is a big fan of used stuff because more than 50% of the families I meet when buying and selling through craigslist have twins.

Also, multiple groups (like the San Francisco Parents of Multiples Club) and local parents groups (like the Berkeley Parents Network) are great places to find used stuff posted for free. Jump on that bandwagon!

Here is my list of great items to try to get used as you prepare for your twins' arrival:
  • Infant carseats - I know the industry always says buy carseats new, but you use these for such a short period. I found a twins family I trusted who said theirs hadn't been in an accident and I was very happy to go with that.
  • A double snap n go stroller - If you do a lot of walking on not great sidewalks or uphills, I highly recommend scavenging for a used Double Decker stroller (see pic). Otherwise a straight ahead double snap n go should be fine for the few months this item is useful.

  • A single snap n go stroller - I loved putting one baby in a Bjorn and the other in a single snap n go for strolls around the neighborhood. Also, good way to go into places like cafes where there isn't much room.
  • Nursing pillow - if you're planning to try tandem nursing. I tried two and the best one in the beginning was the EZ-2-Nurse-Twins. Definitely try to get this from the multiple club's loaner library or another mother.
  • Futon and/or glider. I found it much easier to tandem nurse on a futon at first. For the first 7 months or so it was really helpful to have the room on either side of my nursing pillow to arrange the girls. Now that they're bigger I use a glider without a nursing pillow. And don't forget the nursing stool!! (and I don't mean the gliding ottoman which just doesn't do you much good with twins I think)
  • Full-size Co-sleeper or bassinet
  • Crib - perfect thing to find used. Just make sure the slats are the regulation distance apart, but otherwise it's a piece of solid furniture that should be able to go through lots of families.
  • Long dresser that can double as a changing table if you throw a changing pad on it
  • Changing pad
  • Swing – love the Papasan swing by Fisher Price but anything that has both side to side and front to back action is good

  • Two Slings and two Baby Bjorns - We used the slings for only a few weeks in the beginning. But they were very useful. Especially when the babes are small and vulnerable people won't go sticking their hands all over the kiddos if you take them out in slings. And as for Bjorns, I can't say enough good things about Bjorns. I was very sad when I had to switch to a backpack because the girls just got too heavy.
  • Miracle blankets, size small, very helpful for all the swaddling you do in the beginning, good to find on eBay
  • Halo sleep sacks, most useful sizes would be M and L, since you’ll likely be swaddling in the beginning, good to find on eBay
  • Zutano booties, size 0-6 months - These are simply the best things ever if you have twins born in the fall or winter. You'll be worried about keeping their feet warm, but I'm SURE will not have time to keep running after socks that constantly fall off. These booties stay on and are nice and fleecy. And since babies aren't walking yet, these are the perfect thing to find used.
  • Hanna Andersson moccasins, size 6-12 months - I know Robeez are really cute and hip, but don't underestimate the work that putting on socks and then another layer of shoes takes. Especially with two wriggling, giggling beings. These moccasins are perfect for when babies need a non-slip tread but you don't want to deal with separate socks. Again that sounds like no big deal, but simplify!

And for later on (months 6-12) here are a few useful things to keep an eye out for:
  • Exersaucer and jumperoo - anything that will help contain one while you attend to the other is key
  • Double stroller - we chose an older Maclaren Twin Traveller. You can often find used MacLarens in great condition from people with two different aged kids whose toddler outgrew the stroller quickly. So far the Maclaren has been perfect for hopping in and out of the car and for airplanes. On travel it's been great for having them sleep, eat and, of course, stroll in.
  • Foam puzzle mat - so they can fall all that they need to as they learn to sit up, stand up, crawl and walk and you get a little more peace of mind.
Tomorrow... some items to buy new.

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