Monday, September 24, 2007

Twinsight #4: WHAT TO BUY NEW

I'm a big proponent of buying things used - good for $$ and for the earth. But these are the things we decided to get new, or else were given and really appreciated. So if people are asking what they can buy you, here are the new items that were really handy for us.

  • Convertible carseats - Big ticket item and these will probably be used for long enough that getting these new is a fine idea. We chose the Britax Roundabouts because we have a sedan and couldn't fit two bigger seats in the rear facing position (something to think about when you're looking at those seats)
  • Personalized towels - Initially I got towels in two different colors and just said I would remember who was which color. Yeah, right, not in those first sleep deprived weeks/months (though it may work for you if you're color coding other things in their lives). And then we got these personalized towels as a gift. No more mixing up the towels. I highly recommend it, plus these from Company Kids are adorable and soft. I can't believe I'm recommending monogrammed towels!
  • Soothie pacifier – perfect for tiny faces, they don’t smush noses on preemies/small babies the way that standard pacifiers do - and there's always a good chance twins will be born little. Seems like online is the easiest place to find them.
  • Crib sheets - We just got a three pack to start with and that has been all right so far.
  • Crib mattress - We got a Colgate II mattress recommended by a baby shopping bargains book and we've been very happy with it!
  • 2 baby calendars – Ours is this one (pictured right), but there are lots of options. It's easier to keep up than baby books, and with twins, time is everything.
  • Ergo baby carrier - (unless you get lucky and find a good deal on one used. But I've found they tend to sell for almost as much as a new one). While I loved how the babies can face out in the Baby Bjorns, at around 6 months they just got TOO heavy. And these are good on your back as promised. They're great for travel, too. It's really key with twins to have one good carrier because there will be times you have to carry both and putting one in a carrier while holding the other is much more secure than doing both freestyle.
  • Two other items to ask for from people who want to get you something: 1) a session with a baby/family photographer around 6 or 7 months when the babies start sitting up, but before they can crawl away. Great to look forward to because with twins there usually isn’t a parent free to take pictures; 2) gift cards to places with food To Go in your area
I'd love to hear other peoples' suggestions on this, too!

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