Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Boggle for the baby-locked

Tandem breastfeeding means you can't move around too easily. Frequently I find myself baby-locked, making mental lists but otherwise at odds for something to do as they chug their meals. But then along came this colorful foam mat...

We put it down to absorb the babies' falls. But it doubles as a glorified Boggle mat while I'm nursing the chicas. And it's addictive. So far the longest word I found in the mat was "Intruding" (yes I allow myself to reuse letters). The mat configuration above hasn't been the most fruitful for word hunting, but it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. My fave word I found in the pic above is "queued."

If you have a foam mat and the same nursing dilemma I described, give it a try!

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