Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In an emergency, think about text and twitter

My husband and I were talking about emergency preparedness this weekend. One of the subjects we covered was how to be in touch. We both were in lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001 and it was just Blackberries working that day... people passed them around to those who didn't have them so everyone could get an email out.

We don't have Blackberries now but we settled on text messages since they're a similar technology. On the old-school front, we also reminded each other of the one, non-cordless phone in the house that'll work even if electricity goes out.

Today there was a great article in the SF Chronicle taking the text idea one step further. You can program a message, like "we're okay" into your phone and also put in the numbers where you want it sent (something they didn't say: remember always include numbers of friends/family OUTSIDE the state since those are more likely to reach their target and can be a point of contact for everyone here). Then you can just quickly hit send in case you ever need to.

1 comment:

Kristen Lawrence said...


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