Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Virtual Mother's Day Card

So we're making little paintings to send the Grandmas for Mother's Day, but for the card I wanted to try something new. I've been into the applet "Wordle" for analyzing the word patterns in my work stories lately. I thought for Mother's Day cards, I'd try to get my girls to free associate about each grandma and their great-grandma and then turn those associations into a Wordle "Word Cloud."

What I did was type the words and phrases we talked about for each Grandma into a word document and then we pasted them into the Wordle text box. We're sending them via email (to make them into jpeg files you have to take screen shots).

I'd imagine this could work well for other purposes with pre-writing, but fairly verbal young kids. It was great fun and I plan to do it again.

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