Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sesame Street spoofs

It is really rare to find kids entertainment that rocks both my daughters' world and mine. Still, as annoying as some of the music and educational shorts are, I try to watch everything with them. So when I stumbled onto a bunch of Sesame Street spoofs of TV programs, I was over the moon. Below is one of our favorite Sesame Street spoofs, 30 Rocks, though it would probably only be funny to an adult if you've seen the original show (30 Rock).

Other ones that do well with my kids include this take off on Law & Order (it's called the Missing M). And then there's A's Anatomy, and Dancing with Triangles (which has all sorts of super subtle humor).

There's also Desperate Houseplants, but in my opinion, it's just kinda rich in double entendres and not much else.

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