Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting 3 kids in car seats in a small car

I'm not trying to jump the gun, but I imagine sometime soon we'll want to take our girls' friends along for a playdate to the zoo, or even carpool with kids coming home from preschool. But with 2 kids already in car seats in a compact car, there isn't much room for a third.

I recently learned about this product that may make it possible to get three 3 or 4 year olds safely and comfortably in the back of our civic. It's called the Ride Safer vest. I'm hoping that in combination with the narrow Radian seats we'll be able to easily transport our daughters' friends. My blog about the Radians is here.

So now I've set up an RSS feed looking for one of the Ride Safer vests on Craigslist. Once I get my hands on one I will post more info.

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