Wednesday, August 1, 2007

More nostalgia...

So I just found a computer diary entry from a few days before the girls were born. It's funny to look back on now...

36 weeks: t-????
At this point the girls will be considered full term if I go into labor, so there will be no stopping them.

A. and I are having a heated discussion about, of all the things, whether to replace the batteries in the hand me down baby equipment we've received. A. is an eclectic music freak and says he doesn’t want his daughters brainwashed into thinking Mozart is the only gig out there. So he wants to leave the old run down batteries in the bouncy chair. They make its "Circus medley" song sound like a DJ Screw piece - he's the H-town artist famous for making SLOOOOOW, drawn out music while sippin' syrup (ie Robitussin). I think I may prevail on this one.

So it was also around that time we were practicing all the things we'd been learning in clases, from breathing techniques to infant CPR. And...

A. is practicing cloth diaper techniques on Elvis Satan Bear. If you could see this red teddy bear with two white fangs, you'd notice one of the pearly whites was chewed off. That dental work came courtesy of our cat Max Power. Which brings up another subject. I’ve had a hard time finding practical info on cats with babies so I’ll post at some point about how it goes getting him used to the twins. Our vet has suggested he could prescribe Max an anti-anxiety drug. We’ll see if it comes to that. I just worry if we start down that road it won’t be long before A. and I jump on that bandwagon.

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