Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cozy breakfast for the cold weather

The changing seasons have reminded me how our favorite morning comfort food tastes even better in the cool weather. Thes are great because they freeze well and can be used in place of store bought freezer waffles. Enjoy!

Oatmeal-Buttermilk-Blueberry Waffles

Makes 16 little square waffles

2 cups quick oatmeal
2 cups lowfat buttermilk

Combine oatmeal and buttermilk in a bowl and let stand to soften, about 10 minutes – less if in a real hurry. Softer it is, the tastier it is. Even overnight is fine.

Add in and stir:
3 eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons canola oil
dash of vanilla

Add and mix well:
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt or less

Once that’s combined add:
½ cup white flour or white whole wheat flour
1 cup frozen organic wild blueberries

Spray a light coat of oil or Pam on a preheated waffle iron. Put a heaping cup of batter on the iron and bake as directed. You end up with 4 big waffles, 16 little squares.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween time

I was just pointed to a blog post that dealt with frugal/repurposed Halloween costumes (thanks for the tip @rachellechong).

We're pretty much going down that road ourselves this Halloween. The girls announced a few weeks ago that they wanted to be a soccer team ... they saw some big girls playing soccer and Big girls hold Big sway around our house these days. Of course they want to be a PINK soccer team so we're just rounding up some pink shorts and tops and I'll baste on some big felt numbers. They'll carry some soccer balls we have around and I may well invest in some cheap knee socks and head bands.

My husband decided he wanted to dress up as the coach and it was a very easy call for me to be referee. Figuring out my costume will probably be the biggest challenge!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reduce your carbon contest

Dorky, snide remarks about "carbon-free" sugar aside, I'm all for greening the kitchen. Here's a great opportunity to offer up nuggets of wisdom about eco-friendly cooking. And to earn prizes in the process (Kindle anyone?)!

It's thanks to the folks at the Brighter Planet Blog. Happy Blog Action Day 2009!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm all for going green...

...but carbon free sugar?!? I don't think this new packaging was the brainchild of chemists:

(Chemistry refresher... sugar's basic formula is CH2O)
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