Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bookflix! Another free internet resources for kids and toddlers

My girls are surprisingly far into new media. They don't do twitter, but this article in the New York Times about cyber visits with grandparents could have featured them. And they are very well versed in vintage Sesame Street sketches thanks to YouTube and their Dad.

Here's another great online educational resource for kids. It's a new service by Scholastic called Bookflix. It basically offers read along versions of children's book classics from Harry the Dirty Dog to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It has them in Spanish too.

The catch is that it does cost money. The uncatch is that you can access it for free through some public libraries. The closest library I've found to our home that has bookflix access for free is the San Francisco Public Library. Fortunately my husband and mom have cards there so I can access it that way. However any California resident can sign up for a card by going to any SFPL branch. You can try to search for your local library and see if they have an onramp to bookflix.

Fits the bill of this site: budget AND simple AND ecofriendly (though plenty energy eating servers firing away acknowledged for those who are purists).

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