Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mama Law 101

So I just had one of those bad days. Where I could actually say "So I was standing talking to a cop to file the police report, when I got stung by a bee." All's well that ends well but, sheesh.

Today just a news heads up for any video making mamas out there. A lawsuit just got under way by a mom suing Universal Music Corp. She got slammed by Universal's lawyers for posting a 29 second video of her 13-month-old dancing to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" on YouTube. They claim copyright infrignement, she says it's perfectly legal use of the music for NONCOMMERICAL purposes. She's being represented in her fight against Universal by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They're good people. I've often interviewed them for stories. Consider them the "eACLU."

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