Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Public transit with kids, babies, twins

My girls and I have taken the buses a bit, though mostly with their Dad, too. They've also hit the rails a few times. I think public transportation is a great activity with kids... besides being a new experience they get to interact with lots of people and things that "go" are always a hit. So I'm trying to integrate that with our outing plans a bit more.

It does take a few tries to get right. For instance knowing whether the buses will let you get on with an open stroller is key (AC Transit (in SF East Bay) says YES, NY City buses, NO). Definitely traveling off peak is key so you can have more room is important. With twins I favor carrying one in a pack and pushing just a single stroller. And in our area, going from the East Bay to SF, I tend to favor the transbay bus over BART, but that's because we can just walk to the bus and you don't have to deal with any elevators that may or may not be in service.

I noticed this Public Transportation site a few months back, and thought it looks like a handy thing. It offers comprehensive information about transit systems nationwide. I'm thinking that when we are traveling riding the bus with the girls could be a fun activity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Public transit with kids is definitely doable and a great experience. Parents who want some tips can visit our blog at:

We also have twins and have taken them by train, bus, subway, plane... you name it. They are definitely little world travelers.

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