Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Plastics by the number

Here's an article on the plastics debate. At the end there's a simple way to remember which plastics to avoid because of possible toxins:
the symposium handed out a reminder card listing “safer plastics” as those marked (usually at the bottom of a container) 1, 2, 4 or 5. It suggests that the “plastics to avoid” are those numbered 3, 6 and 7 (unless they are also marked “BPA-free”).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Very lovely twins story

Someone posted this Newsweek story on our local twins forum the other day. It's the tale of fraternal twin girls from China who were adopted by different families in the US and at the age of 4 found each other. It's such a beautiful story about the connection twins share.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Unique, reasonable, sustainable gift idea...

...and it supports an amazing artist. Here's the new San Francisco Bay Area produce calendar by our friend who does letterpress out of her garage.

Not only does it tell you about what to buy in season and what to plant in any given month, it's a perpetual calendar so you never have to throw it away! Use it for planting notes or a birthday calendar.

I think it's gorgeous to boot!

Great for Bay Area residents or even homesick Northern Californians who'd appreciate the happy seasonal memories.

And for more holiday craft presents check out Renegade's Holiday Fair San Francisco. It's at Fort Mason, December 19+20:

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