Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Public transport with twins

So the best way I could figure out to get around NYC with twins was to stick one in a baby carrier and push the other in a small umbrella stroller. It worked great on the subway. But on the bus they actually do make you fold up the stroller. So you are dependent on the kindness of strangers. But that's all good. It's part of the zen immersion experience that is twins. You can't plan anything, you just have to be in the moment.

In fact it turned out the hardest part of the whole experience was letting my guard down and letting people help me. Not at all what I would have expected. But as a vanity (?!) licence plate I recently saw read, this is all about INRWORK.

Walking down the street

Things change when you walk down the street with twins.

I nod yes.
"Oh my god!"
"That's what we said."
Everybody laughs and I walk on.

That's the best case scenario.

It's really strange the questions people choose to ask given the opportunity. It's often pretty straight forward, like "two boys? two girls?" But occasionally that one question burning at the front of their mind is "Do they wake each other up with their crying?", "Do you ever use a babysitter?" or 'Can they read each others' thoughts?"

Even walking the streets of Manhattan is different with the 2 A's. Andy is much better at extricating himself from random strangers, but I had 2 10 minute conversations with older women. One had twins of her own and wanted to tell me all about their acocmplishments. The second lectured me about my responsibility to raise the girls with good manners and kindness in their hearts towards all people. Now how am I supposed to just walk off in the middle of that? Even if I did have somewhere to go...
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