Saturday, December 1, 2007

This Mom and her kids / Sittin' in the car...

A little while back I wondered about what to do with two sleeping babes in the car. Now I've had even more practice with that, so my list of useful things to do is growing:
  • If the gas tank is less than 1/3 full I go and gas up. The tank is always empty at the least convenient times.
  • I've tried to figure out the most picturesque places I can go and write in the little journal I keep about their latest achievements. Pictured is the Berkeley Marina where I ended up the other day. Other possibilities are local parks, cemeteries, just going somewhere different than usual feels like a break.
  • I also have found it's a great time to go through and clean out the photos from my digital camera. When I can remember to take pictures I do. I never seem to clear them off. So this has been a great time for that.

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